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  • Es befinden sich keine Produkte im Warenkorb.

Der Kauf gewährt einen Zugang von 100 Tagen auf diesen Kurs.

  • The Gross Domestic Product, the main macroeconomic measure
  • The goods market (IS)
  • The Money Market (LM)
  • The IS-LM equilibrium
  • The labor market
  • The production side, economic growth
  • Expectations and financial decisions (consumption, saving and investment)
  • The open economy and the uncovered interest parity

Course Curriculum

1. Session Makro 02:15:00
2. Session Makro 03:00:00
3. Session Makro 02:15:00
4. Session Makro 03:07:00
5. Session Makro 02:50:00

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